VSP and You Self-Service in The Well
Select type of Quiz
VSP General Quiz
VSP LightCareâ„¢ Quiz
VSP Buy-Up Quiz
VSP Buy-Up with EasyOptions Quiz
Client Name
Client Name is required
Annual Savings amount
CSW link or OE portal link
Open enrollment end date
OE Contact Information
Exam copay
Exam frequency (select one):
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
Prescription glasses copay
Prescription glasses frequency (Select one):
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
Frame allowance dollar amount
Contact lens allowance dollar amount
Contact lens frequency
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
Basic Plan Name
Buy-Up Plan Name
Buy-Up Exam Copay
BU Plan Exam Frequency (Select one):
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
BU Plan Frame Allowance Dollar Amount
BU Plan Frame Frequency (select one):
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
Featured Frame Allowance (select one):
Extra $20
Additional $50
Buy Up Contact Lens Allowance Dollar Amount
Buy Up Contacts Frequency (Select one):
Every plan year
Every calendar year
Every 12 months
Every 24 months
Every other plan year
Every other calendar year
EasyOptions Frame Upgrade: An additional
frame allowance
EasyOptions Contacts Upgrade: An additional
contact allowance
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