Finish an Application

TIP: To complete an application you've already started, you must be logged in. Visit I'm New Here for steps to login.

  1. Hover over Quotes & Enroll in the navigation bar under the VSP® Vision Care logo.
  2. Click on In Progress Applications. You’ll see a new screen with a list of applications you’ve started.
  3. Find the application you’re looking for. Click on the client’s name or pencil icon. You can now complete the application.

Step 1: Client Information

  1. Enter your client’s details and Client Contact Information.
      In the Nature of Business field, type in the client’s SIC classification. If there’s a different contact for payment/billing and/or benefit administration, uncheck the Use Principal Contact Information box. Additional fields will appear to enter their details.

TIP: Information you provided when generating the quote will auto-fill in the application. If a field does not impact the rates, you can edit it.

  1. Next, fill in the Grant Broker Access fields if you or someone at your agency will be managing your client’s plan membership. If not, you can leave this section blank.
  2. Check Yes if you use a third party administrator. If not, check No.
  1. Check Yes if your client has internet access. If not, check No.
  2. Select how membership information will be sent to VSP.
  3. Next, provide details in the Client Divisions section. You must enter one division and can add up to four by clicking Add another division. You can also provide different contacts for each division as you did in the Client Contact Information section above.
  4. Click Next: Policy Details.
Step 2: Policy Details >

Step 2: Policy Details

  1. Select the Benefit Year. Check Calendar Year if the effective date of the vision plan is January 1. Otherwise, check Service Year.
  2. Client Type, VSP Funding, and VSP Plan fields will show information entered when requesting the quote and can’t be changed.
  3. If your client selected voluntary funding, an additional section, If Voluntary, will appear. Enter the employer contribution percentage for employees and dependents. The Voluntary Participation Structure selected below these fields will populate from the quote request and can’t be changed.
  4. Type in the number of employees expected to enroll. The range of Eligible Employees will populate from the quote request and can’t be changed.
  1. Enter the maximum age of children covered as a dependent/student on the plan.
  2. Select additional family members who will be covered. Check all that apply.
  3. Verify that the Plan Details are correct. This information should match the plan you and your client selected.
  4. Select the month when the client submits their 5500 Report from the drop-down menu.
  1. If your client has had coverage from VSP® Vision Care in the past, check Yes under Prior VSP Coverage and enter the client’s name from the previous policy.
  2. If applicable, provide the names of your client’s affiliates or subsidiaries with an active VSP policy.
  3. Click Next: Broker Information
< Step 1: Client InformationStep 3: Broker Information >

Step 3: Broker Information

  1. Check the box confirming the broker/consultant named in the following fields is the client’s broker of record.
  2. Enter details for the agency who will be the broker of record for the client.
  3. Enter the contact information for the licensed producer who will be the client’s broker of record.
  4. If someone else at your agency will be managing the client’s plan, provide Additional Contact Information. This information is used if we can’t get a hold of the licensed producer.
  5. Enter the License Information for the licensed producer who’s the client’s broker of record.
  1. Enter details for Commission Checks.
  2. Choose the key contact to receive information about your client’s vision plan. If it’s someone other than the licensed producer entered above, select Other. Additional fields will appear to enter their contact details.
  3. Click Next: Agreement.
 < Step 2: Policy DetailsStep 4: Agreement >

Step 4: Agreement

  1. Read the terms of the agreement.
  2. Enter your Firm/Organization name and contact name.
  3. Have the person, who’s authorized to sign the agreement, type their name into the Signature box. The name typed into this field serves as an electronic signature.
  4. Enter the Printed name of the signatory.
  5. Click Submit Application. You’ll see a new screen listing next steps.

TIP: If required fields have not been completed, you can’t submit the application. Incomplete steps and fields will be marked with a red triangle icon.

< Step 3: Broker InformationHome >